Travel was twice as nice when you went first class !
Your own private room was the only way to go.
The private rooms
were illustrated in the time table. Regular Pullman space was more expensive than the
slumber coach accomidations. By day the beds folded up. In the roomette you had
to raise the bed to use the toilet. The roomette would sleep one person. The
bedroom had a toilet that afforded privacy to the user. The rooms would be set
up for sleeping by the Pullman porter. The Pullman Company operated the sleeping cars for the various railroads until 1968.
After that time, what sleeping car service still offered was handled by the
railroads. In the 1920s, more than 50,000 people slept in Pullman accomiodations. Missouri Pacific
Lines operated the longest sleeping car shedule in North America. From new
York's Pennsylvania Station all the way to Mexico city. The New York-St. Louis
segment was handled by the Pennsylvania Railroad.
To continue with Missouri Pacific Pages
Re-edited 9/16/02