BNSF Conroe Subdivision from Somerville to Silsbee is 161.385
Union Pacific Palestine Subivision from Houston (MP227) to Overton is 161.22 74-74 (Changed 12-3-07)
Union Pacific Navasota Subdivision From Spring Jct To Valley Jct. 160.83
BNSF Wichita Falls Sub 160.92 (5454)
BNSF Houston Subdivision from Houston to Teague, Tx. is 161.10 (Also Red River Sub From Wichita Falls Valley Junction To Amarillo)
Union Pacific Lufkin Subdivision (Old SP Rabbit) From Houston To Shreveport, La. 160.32 (Cleveland, Tx.)(Also Ron's Corsicana & Ennis Subs)
Union Pacific Eureka Subdivision From Houston thru Navasota 161.445
BNSF From Teague To Dallas 161.34 (7272)
Mark St. Aubin Added 7-5-2003
Timber Rock Railroad from Kirbyville to Teneha, Tx
BNSF 36-36 (160.650) is the TIBR road channel
45-45 (160.785) is used when there is heavy switching.
More Frequencies For Texas And Louisiana
From RailSpot Email Group
Andrew wrote on 12-5-02
I have a few updated that went into effect today:
9696 Texarkana to Kosse, TX (Changed at 1100 AM 12/05/2001)
1414 (160.32) Kosse, Tx to Nolte, TX (Changed at 1100 AM 12/05/2001)
2727 (160.515) Nolte, TX to Alamo JCT, TX (Soon to be Hondo) (Being Changed now, Not in Effect Yet)(Now on 1414)
2727 (160.515) San Antonio to CPS (Rockport Sub) (Being Changed now, Not in Effect Yet)(Now on 1414)
2727 (160.515) San Antonio to Beckmann (Being Changed now, Not in Effect Yet)(Now on 1414)
2727 (160.515) Dyersdale to Elizabeth (Beaumont) and Dequincy to Avondale
2727 (160.515) Alexandria to Lake Charles
2020 (160.410) Alexandria to Livonia
3737 (160.665) Chaney JCT (Houston) to Flatonia
3737 (160.665) Flatonia to Placedo, TX
3737 (160.665) Tower 81 to West Jct
4444 (160.77) Tower 81 on the BNSF and the UP Glidden Sub
4444 (160.77) Chaney JCT to Tower 26 (Passenger and Freight Main - Incl Amtrak Depot)
5959 (160.995) Tower 26 to Dawes
5151 (160.875) Dawes to Iowa JCT, La
5151 (160.875) Dayton to Baytown (Industrial Lead Not Dispatched)
1212 (160.290) Iowa Jct to Avondale, La (BNSF Salix)
1717 (160.365) Tower 30 to Tower 81
8989 (161.445) Hearne to Bryan JCT
8989 (161.445) Tower 30 to Galveston
8989 (161.445) Brazoria to Brownie (BNSF Algoa)
2020 (160.410) Brazoria to Brownsville
2020 (160.410) Sosan to Corpus Christi
2020 (160.410) Los Fresnos Branch
2020 (160.410) Sinton to Gregory
9595 Not in Service
9696 Hondo, TX to Altuda, TX (Just East of Alpine)
9696 Englewood Yard
4242 (160.740) Settegast Yard
New changes not assigned new channel yet:
Sosan to Laredo (Probably 4242)
Sosan to Odem (Probably 2424)
Andrew D. Hudanish
I added frequencies to AAR Channels. Bullet
A help finding trains is the "EOT" Frequencies: NS is 161.115 and most of rest are 457.9375.
Railroad Frequencies For Texas & Surrounding States from
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Updated January 31, 2014
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